Again working through Ugo Taddei's VisAd tutorial, in section 3.5
I am trying to modify the example program P3_05 to plot contours
of one color on a color-filled background map of the same quantity.
The program as given plots contours of temperature, and the contours
are colored according to the underlying elevation. I want to have one color
contours of temperature over a background colored by temperature value.
Commenting out the "display.addMap( elevMap );"
I get white contours on a black background, which is fine.
then using (in place of tempIsoMap),
tempMapRGB = new ScalarMap( temperature, Display.RGB );
display.addMap( tempMapRGB );
I get a colored field, colored according to temperature values. As expected.
So I think I shall plot white contours over the colored temperature
field, by using both tempIsoMap and tempMapRGB. To my surprise
I get colored contours, and no colored field at all. Why?
Why does adding a isocontour map means my surface gets
destroyed, when I simply wanted to have the isolines on top of the
Stu Wier
Stuart Wier UCAR Unidata Program Center
wier@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx P.O. Box 3000
(303) 497-8659 Boulder, CO 80307
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