I have written up an applet partly based upon the "ShowNCEPModel code
that displays eta model data (the grib grid number is 212). However I'm
using a 2D display rather than a 3D display and my code does not read in
the grids in netcdf format (it reads them in ascii format). The problem
I am having is when I render the display with an overlaid map (either of
the mcidas area format maps included with ShowNCEPModel: OUTLUSAM or
OUTLSUPW) the map and the display don't appear to be aligned correctly
(it appears to be several pixels off). For example, If I display
surface temperature I can clearly see the outline of an Island (i.e.,
Cuba), but this temperature outline does not match up with the map
outline. Could you possibly shed some light on this problem.
Another question I have is if I try to use a different map (i.e.,
OUTLCNTY) which was obtained from the metapps code, the display wont be
rendered at all. Thank you.