Re: 20010122: Adding a Grid to an XY Plot

> >I have a simple XY Plot that needs a gridlines on the display to help depict
> >values.  Does VisAD have this capability.  Thus far, I have been unable to
> >find any method or class that does this.  A Gridded1DSet/Gridded2DSet looked
> >promising but after further inspection, it appeared that  this was really
> >only for clustered data such as Gaussian distributions among others, not
> >adding gridlines.  What do I need to do to add gridlines to my display?
> >Thanks,
> You can create a Union Set of Gridded 2D sets.  For a straight XY plot,
> each Gridded2DSet should contain the endpoints of the line.  The UnionSet
> would just be initialized with the array of Gridded2DSets.    If you 
> need more info, let me know.

Just to clarify, these would be Gridded2DSets with manifold
dimension = 1. They will display as lines. You can see an
example in visad/examples/ You'd make a Gridded2DSet
for each line in your grid, then put them all together in your
UnionSet. As Don says, you only need to two end points for each
grid line, so each Gridded2DSet only needs two points. You'd make
your grid lines in the coordinates of the RealTypes ScalarMap'ped
to XAxis and YAxis. Good luck.

Bill Hibbard, SSEC, 1225 W. Dayton St., Madison, WI  53706
hibbard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  608-263-4427  fax: 608-263-6738

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