Thank's for your answers.
But, I really got a display with just 3 maps, longitude, latuitude and RGB
like this:
visad.ScalarMap lonMap = new visad.ScalarMap(visad.RealType.Longitude,
visad.Display.XAxis );
visad.ScalarMap latMap = new visad.ScalarMap(visad.RealType.Latitude,
visad.Display.YAxis );
visad.ScalarMap varMap = new visad.ScalarMap(varRaster,visad.Display.RGB );
where varRaster is a RealType.
The GIFForm has as a range a tuple of 3 componets (R,G,B), and I need
to convert it to a RealType to put into a map Display.RGB.
There's an example in the P5_09 from the visad's tutorial, but it use 5
Facultad de Minas
Universidad Nacionald de Colombia
Sede MedellIn
On Tue, 30 Jan 2001, Bill Hibbard wrote:
> Hi Olver,
> > Im working with VisAD whith some data, but i need to show a gif into a
> > display, if you could send me some example about how to do it, i will tank
> > you a lot.
> See in the visad/examples directory - it displays
> a GIF file named as its argument. You can also import GIF images
> into the VisAD SpreadSheet.
> > I need the gif is displayed in some coords (X,Y) and the "icon" (the gif)
> > don't grow with the zoom.
> You can use the setRange() method of the ScalarMaps from the
> GIF files coordinates to control the zoom. And of course you
> can zoom with SHIFT / left mouse button after its displayed.
> I am not sure what you mean about the icon.
> Cheers,
> Bill
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Bill Hibbard, SSEC, 1225 W. Dayton St., Madison, WI 53706
> hibbard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 608-263-4427 fax: 608-263-6738