Re: Map Projections

Bill Hibbard wrote:
> I'll describe the general approach, and then I'm sure Steve
> Emmerson or Don Murray from Unidata will talk about their
> work actually doing this in their Metapps system.

Well, Bill outlined exactly what it takes (it sound so easy).  This will work
for the case where you only want one projection.  If you want a more general
program where you wanted to change the projection on the fly, you'd probably
want to subclass DisplayImpl such that you could set the CoordinateSystem used
on the display side, generate new DisplayRealTypes and then automagically
rebuild the display.  That's what I did
ucar.unidata.view.geoloc.MapProjectionDisplay.  But, if you want something quick
and dirty for a specific projection, follow Bill's steps above.

If you have more questions, you can contact me offline (or drop by my office).


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