[Fwd: Re: GraphicsModeControl: Axes scales ?]

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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: GraphicsModeControl: Axes scales ?
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 08:30:15 -0700
From: Don Murray <dmurray@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Organization: Unidata/UCAR
To: VSOP User <vsop@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
References: <Pine.LNX.4.21.0102211107140.28532-100000@euclea.sevenc.private>

Hi Corne-

VSOP User wrote:
> Is it possible to change a axes interval and to label the
> intervals. I have used the following code to produce
> scales for my display:
> GraphicsModeControl modeDisp
>     =(GraphicsModeControl) display[0].getGraphicsModeControl();
>         modeDisp.setScaleEnable(true);
> This produce the scales for me and I have set the range between
> 0.0 and 1.0. The scales are only labled at 0.0 and 1.0
> but the four intervals are not.
> Is there a way put in more intervals and label them with the
> right value?

You can change the interval, but can't add more labels at the current time.  I'm
working on that enhancement, but don't expect to get it completed before the end
of March.  The enhancements will be made to the AxisScale class which is the
controling class for the look of a Scale.  Recent enhancements allow you to set
the major and minor tick spacing.  So in your example, if you only wanted ticks
at 0, .5, and 1.0, you could do something like:


This would still only have labels at 0 and 1.0.  You could also do something

     AxisScale scale = myScalarMap.getAxisScale();

which would give you large ticks at 0 and 1 and smaller ticks at .25, .5 and

My goal for adding more labels is to use a design similar to JSlider where you
can set the specific labels you want using a Hashtable of values.  This would
allow for Text labels as well as numeric labels.

If you have any suggestions on this implementation, please send them


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