I followed your suggestion, and the compilation seemed to proceed fine,
and I can run the DisplayTest examples. However when I try to run
bom/CurveManipulationRendererJ3D, I get the following error:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: CurveManipulationRendererJ3D (wrong name:
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:486)
at java.net.URLClassLoader.defineClass(URLClassLoader.java:248)
at java.net.URLClassLoader.access$100(URLClassLoader.java:56)
at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:195)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:188)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:297)
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.java:286)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:253)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(ClassLoader.java:313)
Exception in thread "main"
I am not sure what the error means.
At 03:29 PM 2/26/01 -0600, you wrote:
It looks like you extracted the new visad source file over top your
existing VisAD source. The current VisAD implementation does not
have a visad.DisplayMonitorImpl class (it has been moved to
visad.collab.DisplayMonitorImpl). Try running
nmake -f Makefile.WinNT clear
Then re-extract the new VisAD source code and try compiling again.
At 15:26 2/26/01, you wrote:
>I had to download the new visad source and recompile to access
>visad/bom/CurveManipulationRendererJ3D.java. I have jdk1.3 and
>java3D 1_1_2 installed on a PC running Windows 98 and
> the previous compilation had gone fine, but now I get an error.
>I have attached the output from nmake -f Makefile.WinNT compile.
>Any help would be appreciated.
>>> Is there a relatively straightforward way in visad for the data values
>>> corresponding to a line being dragged across an image to be displayed
>>> in a plot (somewhat as in Collage available from NCSA)?
>> Check out visad/bom/CurveManipulationRendererJ3D.java
>> It allows you to draw curves (with the right mouse button
>> help down), and display them. The main() method demos
>> how to use the class.
>> Good luck,Bill
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