importing text data form

Hello everyone,

I am new to this forum, having explored VisAD I think it is a great piece of software (nice documentation too).

I have a problem I dont know if anyone can help me. I have the following type of mapping

(longitude,latitude -> pressure)

_From a simple data I made up, the example that I am using is:

long    lat     press
1       1       3
2       2       5
3       3       10
4       4       11
5       5       15
6       6       23
7       7       29

This data is saved as a text file. Now currently I am using SpreadSheet to implement my program. Whenever I import this text file into SpreadSheet I get a error message saying 'The source cannot be converted into VisAD data'. So my question is can VisAD recognise this type of data? Or do I have to create my own class to do this. I appreciate it if anyone can help me out,


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