Re: base map

Hi Jacky,

Jacky Saint wrote:
> Hi VisAD community,
>     I was wondering whether there are places where one can download basemaps
> in the form what VisAD recognises. I know VisAD has two available as
> examples, but are there others that shows, say The British Isles. Creating
> this type of map is near impossible, so I would be greatful if someone knows
> some nice sources they would like to share,

You might find some free data at ESRI
( I know they have some free data,
but I reckon most of the data available from them is not free. however,
I have never got nor have I bought data from them.

Supposing you get ESRI ArcView Shapefiles, you can read them using
Unidata's Metapps
( Look for the



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