Re: Dashed Lines in IsoContour again

Astrid Wonner wrote:
> I've found ContourControl.setLevels(float[] levs, float ba, boolean da), but
> I don't know what "float[] levs" is. Can anyone help me?

levs is the set of contour values that you want to display.  This allows
you to set irregularly spaced contour lines.  So, if you set levs to be
float[] levs = new float[] {-15.0f, -9.0f, -2.0f,  1.0f, 22.0f } and
called setLevels as setLevels(levs, 0.0f, true), you could get
contours displayed for -15, -9, -2, 1 and 22 and the -15, -9 and -2
would be dashed (because you set the base to be 0 and set dash mode to
be true).
If you want regularly spaced contours, call  set ContourInterval (which
internally calls setLevels after it calculates levs from interval, low,
hi and ba).

Don Murray

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