Re: visad

James Kelly wrote:
> Hi Jason,
> I'm no Sun expert, but was able to find out most of what I needed to know by
> searching the news groups (was called "dejanews", now taken over by google).
> Eg an advanced search on google:
> specifying comp.unix.solaris as the newsgroup to search may help.
> But perhaps the following notes might be useful too... we have kept track of
> most of the downloads & what we did with them from day 1. It is not too long, 
> so
> I've included them all.

We have one machine here running Solaris 7 SPARC, Java 1.3, Java 3D
1.1.2.  For Solaris, the important things you need to do are:

- make sure you install all the patches that are required
- make sure you have the latest version of OpenGL
- make sure you are not running Java 3D 1.1.3 or 1.2 - these do not work
VisAD.  You can get the 1.1.2 version from the VisAD homepage, or try
1.2.1 beta2.  The FCS of 1.2.1 should be out soon.

I think James' notes indicate the above.

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