Re: plotting multiple time-series in different colors

Hi Brad,

> I have several time-series, each with identical domains and FunctionTypes 
> (time --> value) that I would like to plot overlayed on the same graph.  To 
> distinguish the lines I would like to have them be different colors.  
> Currently I'm able to plot the series' on the same graph, but since I'm using 
> the same ScalarMap for every time-series each line has the same color.  Is 
> there any way to map the colors in such a way that I can get each line to be 
> displayed in a different color without defining new FunctionTypes for each 
> time-series (which would seem wasteful and not strictly speaking correct).  
> Also, I want to be able to add a time-series dynamically to an existing plot; 
> i.e
> addSeries(double[] data, Color color)
> and have the new line plotted on the graph in the desired color.  How can I 
> accomplish this without adding new ScalarMaps to the display (which causes an 
> exception)?

Try linking each time series to the DisplayImpl via its own
DataReference and its own call to:

  addReference(DataReference ref, ConstantMap[] constant_maps)

You can define a different color for each time series by
passing ConstantMaps to Display.Red, Display.Green and

Bill Hibbard, SSEC, 1225 W. Dayton St., Madison, WI  53706
hibbard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  608-263-4427  fax: 608-263-6738

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