Re: a new version 1.2.1 of Java3D that works with VisAD

  • To: "Don Murray" <dmurray@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: a new version 1.2.1 of Java3D that works with VisAD
  • From: "Don Middleton" <don@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 10:41:51 -0700
It looks like companies have to execute a separate license for Java3D and HP
and SGI have both done this. I poked around both Sun's and Apple's website
but couldn't find any hints that Java3D might be coming out on OSX - but
hopefully they're negotiating ;-).


> > That is good news re the new version of Java3D being available. BTW,
> > out there tried VisAD on Mac OSX? It looks like Java is available but
> > not clear that Java3D is.
> >
> Ken Yetzer on the visad-list tried to use it in 2D mode and had some
> problems.  See
> We will be testing VisAD on MacOSX when we get our new Mac in (soon).
> Rumor has it that Java3D will be supported on MacOSX but no date has
> been given.

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