Hi Sylvain,
Try to compile your program with the command line options -Xmsn and -Xmxn
(where n is a byte value) for the java-compiler. This sets the initial size
and the maximum size of the memory allocation pool to the specified values.
The values must be a multiple of 1024. You can also use a k or a m at the
end of your number to specify kilobyte or megabyte. For example
java -Xms10m -Xmx100m BigHelloWorld
allocates 10MB initial and max. 100MB of memory. Default values are 2MB
initial memory and 64MB maximum Memory.
Cheers, Mathias
> Hi,
> I ve got a big problem...
> When I use the same method as developped in Delaunay.main (UnionSet of
> Gridded3dSet) to draw a mesh, I've got an exception
> java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
> It occurs when I call DelaunayCustom with about 200 000 points and 1 000
> 000 tetras...
> It isn't a very big mesh for my application... How can I do to avoid
> this lack of memory ???
> Thanks
> -Sylvain-
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