
Hi all,

        I'll try to explain my problem :
        I've got a mesh in 3D with about 200 000 samples and 1 000 000 tetras.
I apply the method used in Delaunay.main (line 955...) :

                DelaunayCadoe delaun = new DelaunayCadoe(samples,tetra);
                // The same as DelaunayCustom but without copy, with debug and
                // 4 edges (6 in DelaunayCustom)

                Irregular3DSet iset = new

                int numEdges = delaun.NumEdges;
                Gridded3DSet[] gsp = new Gridded3DSet[numEdges];
                int[] e0 = {0, 0, 1, 2};
                int[] e1 = {1, 3, 2, 3};
                for (int i=0; i<numEdges; i++) gsp[i] = null;

                for (int i=0; i<delaun.Edges.length; i++) {
                    int[] trii = delaun.Tri[i];
                    int[] edgesi = delaun.Edges[i];
                    for (int j=0; j<4; j++) {
                        if (gsp[edgesi[j]] == null) {
                            float[][] pts = new float[3][2];
                            float[] p0 = pts[0];
                            float[] p1 = pts[1];
                            float[] p2 = pts[2];
                            int tp0 = trii[e0[j]];
                            int tp1 = trii[e1[j]];
                            p0[0] = samples[0][tp0];
                            p1[0] = samples[1][tp0];
                            p2[0] = samples[2][tp0];
                            p0[1] = samples[0][tp1];
                            p1[1] = samples[1][tp1];
                            p2[1] = samples[2][tp1];
                            gsp[edgesi[j]] = new Gridded3DSet(xyz, pts, 2);
                UnionSet tet = new UnionSet(xyz, gsp);
                final DataReference tetref = new DataReferenceImpl("tet");
The problem is that this part of code and the display of this mesh, use
about 755M of Memory...
As i'm quite new in java, I don't know which element is so huge (There
is no sizeof() as in C ?).

how can I optimize this code ?
Any comments may be very helpful...


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