I want to be able to use MathType.stringToType to be able to do this:
MathType mt = MathType.stringToType("((time)->(textstuff(Text)))");
but it complains about "badly formed string".
It is ok if I'm dealing with reals:
MathType mt = MathType.stringToType("((time)->(realstuff))");
[with apologies to Tom W, I was thinking about how much effort might be required
to extend TextAdapter to work with TextTypes as well as RealTypes]
Thanks in advance,
James Kelly
Regional Computing and Distributed Systems Bureau of Meteorology
PO Box 1289K Melbourne 3001, Australia
Phone: 61-3-9669-4724 Fax: 61-3-9669-4128 Email: J.Kelly@xxxxxxxxxx