
Hi Bill Hibbard & the VisAD list,

> The folks at the University of New Hampshire have done
> lots of experiments with improved iso-surface algorithms,

Has anyone tried rendering (anything) with a 256^3 volume data set using
VisAD?  In particular, has anyone tried the 256 x 256 x 113 cadaver head
that appears in many-a-graphics research paper? If so, what hardware were
you using?

So far we haven't gone past 128^3 resolution.

-cheers, bob

Robert S Laramee        tel:    (603) 868-1361
9 Woodman Road, #314    office: (603) 862-4336
Durham, NH 03824        URL:   http://www.cs.unh.edu/~rlaramee

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      • From: From: Bill Hibbard <hibbard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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