hist_test.py ?

Thanks for the responses

Unfortunately I haven't been able to locate the "hist_test.py"-file
In my "visad/python"-directory I have 8 class files
(JPythonEditor, JPythonFrame1, JPythonFrame, JPythonMethods1,
JPythonMethods2, JPythonMethods3, JPythonMethods4, JPythonMethods)
but no .py-files ?

Maybe someone could attach the hist_test.py-file ?

anyway thanks once again

From: Tom Whittaker <tomw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: James Peterson <depalma_a@xxxxxxxxxxx>
CC: visad-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Questions from a newcomer..
Date: Fri, 04 May 2001 12:10:31 -0500

> Secondly I would also like to know if anybody has done any work
> with histograms in Visad (and even better if you know of any tutorials
> regarding histograms in Visad)....exapmles seem to work for me,
> rather than only reading the javadocs ;)

In the visad package, you'll find a very simple example in Jython
(visad/python/hist_test.py) which produces a 2D histogram.  I've not yet
completed the tutorial on VisAD-Jython yet, but this will be one of the
examples, along with it's degenerate 1D case...


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