> I'm just wondering what sort of technique is being used for Volume Rendering
> in VisAD. Is it "Splatting", "Spatial Technique", "Blending" or something
> else? Hopefully someone can answer my doubt. By the way, may I know which
> particular file(s) in VisAD package is attached with this Volume Rendering
> code. Thanks n Cheers.
The technique is to render a cartesian grid as a series of
transparent planes, aligned to the axes most nearly
perpendicular to the view direction (so the planes change
as you rotate in 3-D).
This technique was first described by my 1989 paper with
Dave Santek:
Hibbard, W., and D. Santek, 1989; Interactivity is the key. Chapel Hill
Workshop on Volume Visualization, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill,
The technique is now widely used, since it exploits graphics
hardware for fast volume rendering.
The code for implementing it in VisAD is in
visad/ShadowFunctionOrSetType.java (look for code inside
"if (isTexture3D) { ... }") and in
visad/java3d/ShadowFunctionOrSetTypeJ3D.java in the
textureStackToGroup() method.
This technique is also used for the volume rendering demos
distributed with Java3D.
Bill Hibbard, SSEC, 1225 W. Dayton St., Madison, WI 53706
hibbard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 608-263-4427 fax: 608-263-6738