Hi Dave and Chhaya,
Thank-you for starting this thread: I've been waiting for the discussion to
drop down a notch (no offence).
Let me say firstly that I am a novice java user, and might not be using
VisAD at all were it not for SpreadSheet, nor do I have "system
administrator" status.
I have tried to install java2d and java3d and OpenGL and VisAD to my IBM PC
(running Win NT).
Initially I could get nothing to run, and was getting errors similar to that
quoted below, until I copied the VisAD.jar file into my 'profile' directory.
Since then I have been able to run SpreadSheet.
I have not been able to run any other element of the VisAD package
separately (I have not compiled the *.class files which I downloaded the
first time around).
However even after copying jar files and class files and java files into my
profile directory I could not get the application(?) HelloUniverse, which
comes as a demonstration file with Java3d, to run. The error I get is very
similar to that given previously:
C:\APPS\david\jdk1.1.2\demo\java3d\HelloUniverse>java HelloUniverse
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: HelloUniverse
and this is regardless of the extension (I tried them all!):
C:\APPS\david\jdk1.1.2\demo\java3d\HelloUniverse>java HelloUniverse.html
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
C:\APPS\david\jdk1.1.2\demo\java3d\HelloUniverse>java HelloUniverse.java
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
C:\APPS\david\jdk1.1.2\demo\java3d\HelloUniverse>java HelloUniverse.class
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
Version information:
C:\APPS\david\jdk1.1.2\demo\java3d\HelloUniverse>java -showversion
java version "1.3.0_02"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.3.0_02)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.3.0_02, mixed mode)
I downloaded two different versions of J3d and one of J2d. However I have
not been able to get the 3d capabilities in VisAD and the demo file
HelloUniverse to work with either.
[I believe there is an inconsistency somewhere in the internet pages
regarding which version of J3d to download, and which are buggy.]
Is it possible to have the "J3d" button selected even if the NetCDF file
only contains 2d data?
In any case, my suspicion is that there is something wrong with my
definition of the Path and/or Classpath and/or the location of some file(s).
Either that, or the java version that is running is not compatible with what
is to be run.
[Does anyone know if the HelloUniverse file should be able to run under J2d,
or only J3d?]
Anyway, as the SpreadSheet is functioning it's not a major problem, but
hopefully my input will help to solve Chhaya's problem and/or enlighten me.
Sorry my response is a bit long,
David Verrelli.
-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Glowacki [mailto:dglo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, 5 June 2001 6:48 AM
To: Chhaya Mudgal
Chhaya Mudgal wrote:
> when I compile one of the examples in the examples jar file
> it gives me error. The file was VerySimple.java that i tried to run.
> error was
> exception in thread "main" java.langNoClassDefFoundError: VerySimple.java
It looks like you tried to run 'VerySimple.java', which is the name
of the source file.
Instead, try 'java VerySimple'.
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