Hi Tolga,
If your Gridded2DSet is depicted as one long line, I suspect
you have used the constructor for a Gridded2DSet with manifold
dimension = 1 (i.e., you only supplied lengthX, whereas you
need to supply lengthX and lengthY for manifold dimension = 2).
However, VisAD will depict this as a filled solid, rather than
as grid edge lines. To make grid edge lines, you need to compute
them from the grid and draw them in a UnionSet of Gridded2DSets
with manifold dimension = 1. You can see an example for
IrregularSets in the main() method of visad/Delaunay.java.
Bill Hibbard, SSEC, 1225 W. Dayton St., Madison, WI 53706
hibbard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 608-263-4427 fax: 608-263-6738
On Fri, 8 Jun 2001, Tolga Sakman wrote:
> Hello all.
> I am trying to display a 2D grid, using a Gridded2DSet. While I am setting
> attributes for GraphicsModeControl, if I setPointMode(true), then I see my
> data field as:
> http://www.acricfd.com/images/VisADList/points.jpg
> whereas I want to see my grid as:
> http://www.acricfd.com/images/VisADList/grid.jpg
> by definition of grid.
> If I setPointMode(false) then all I see is a continous line going in x
> direction w/out interrupting (there's also a line from [1,n] to [2,1] and so
> on) and there are no grid lines in y direction.
> Is there a way to display this grid as shown in the secong figure, or should
> I write my own method to connect every [i,j] to its neighbors in x and y
> directions?
> Any help will be much appreciated.
> Tolga
> < < < t o l g a : | | : s a k m a n > > >
> engineer, cfd consultant
> analytic & computational research, inc -- acri
> los angeles, ca
> 310-471-3023
> tolga.sakman@xxxxxxxxxxx || www.acricfd.com