Hi Ricardo,
> I am trying to change the aspect of the mouse pointer from a cross to a
> box or an X as I move over a Display. However I've been unable to
> figure out how this thing work. I also want to write some things other
> that LAT, LONG on the top left corner when I click the center mouse
> button. As far as I understand there is like a layer where the mouse
> thing happens but I really don't get it.
> I am not sure if this is a Visad question or a general Java one, but I
> will appreciate any help with this.
You sent to the right list - these are VisAD questions.
The easiest way to change the cursor is to extend
visad/java3d/DefaultDisplayRendererJ3D.java (or
visad/java2d/DefaultDisplayRendererJ2D.java). Copy the source
of DefaultDisplayRendererJ3D.java into your extension and
simply change the contents of the float[] cursor_verts array
to make whatever shape you want.
In order to print different Strings in the upper left corner,
in your extension of DefaultDisplayRendererJ3D.java, override
the implemention of:
public void setCursorStringVector()
(which is in visad/DisplayRenderer.java) to create a Vector
of Strings you do want, and then call:
public void setCursorStringVector(Vector vect)
to actually set the Strings on the screen.
Good luck,
Bill Hibbard, SSEC, 1225 W. Dayton St., Madison, WI 53706
hibbard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 608-263-4427 fax: 608-263-6738