Brushing Data in VisAD

        I'd like to use VisAD to perform brushing of data across multiple
graphs, similar to what is done in many statistical packages, but I am not
sure if the RubberBandBoxRendererJ3D class is the right one to use. In the
2D case with different scatterplots of the same data, I would like to
rubberband a rectangle (ideally, lasso an irregular shape around a set of
points) in one scatterplot and highlight (e.g., change color, size, shape,
etc.) the selected data in all of the scatterplots on mouse button release.
In a 3D brush and spin case with a 3D scatterplot and different related 2D
scatterplots, I'd like to rubberband a rectangle on the 3D scatterplot and
highlight the data (that is within the projection of the rectangle) in the
3D and all 2D scatterplots.
        I would appreciate any advice on how to accomplish this, and an
example would be great, as I did not see any test cases for
RubberBandBoxRendererJ3D. Are there any issues with changing the attributes
of a subset of the data? Thanks much!

Dave Homiak
QR Programming
Stafford Trading, Inc.
230 S. LaSalle Street
Suite 688
Chicago, IL 60604
312-356-4514 Voice
312-786-9176 Fax
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