RE(5): NoClassDefFoundError (no Java 3D) [wglCreateContext Fai led: The operation completed successfully. extensionStr == null]

  • To: "'Russ Rew'" <russ@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE(5): NoClassDefFoundError (no Java 3D) [wglCreateContext Fai led: The operation completed successfully. extensionStr == null]
  • From: "Verrelli, David" <VerrelliD@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2001 11:02:17 +1000
Thanks Russ, 
I've deleted the older versions, and changed my CLASSPATH and PATH
(For some reason the second part of my two-part CLASSPATH statement was not
being set.)

Basically I have examined the preexisting PATH, and then re-ordered it.
Previously I was just adding my additions to %PATH% (which didn't seem to
work for %CLASSPATH%) so as not to disrupt whatever weird settings the
system administrator might have set, but this results in the System
directory being listed first (regardless of where the %PATH% is located, it
seems the additions, by default, are appended to the end of the listing).

So far I don't know that it has helped, but at least it hasn't stopped
anything else from working so far!).  :-)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Russ Rew [mailto:russ@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Thursday, 28 June 2001 1:15 AM
> To: Verrelli, David
> Cc: Curtis Rueden; visad-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: RE(4): NoClassDefFoundError (no Java 3D) 
> David,
> According to 
> the use of the CLASSPATH environment variable is no longer the
> preferred method of specifying a class path; use of the -classpath
> option when invoking java or javac is preferred "because you can set
> it individually for each application without affecting other
> applications and without other applications modifying its value".
> The above URL is also a good summary of how classes are found in .jar,
> .zip, or .class files, what order is used in finding classes, and why
> you shouldn't copy third party or application classes into the JDK
> directories.
> --Russ

Believe it or not I did visit:
(which is essentially the same as your link, but perhaps slightly newer)
on 13/06/2001 - according to my printout.

I suppose I was getting frustrated at certain elements not running, and
decided that instead of typing in every conceivable path to the PATH and
CLASSPATH line (especially as it seems jar files in the same directory still
have to be referenced individually), which - as I recall - have a limited
number of entries in any case, I would be better off just copying all
'system' java files (e.g. *.dll, *.jar) to the paths that were likely to
already be referred to.

[I think] Sun does emphasise that it is better to simply leave off specific
classpath references (in terms of a SET CLASSPATH statement, or similar)
altogether.  If one is used, then simply putting a dot (as in "SET
CLASSPATH=.") should be sufficient - as Mathias mentioned a few emails back.
As [I think] he also alluded to, I think my _original_ mistake was to
attempt to install the version I had to a directory OTHER THAN THE DEFAULT.
This probably gave rise to my PATH/CLASSPATH troubles, which I tried to
solve.  However it is probable that this 'solution' then interfered with my
reinstallation(s) of (subsequent versions of) Java into the default
[Yes, one of these 'solutions' was to _copy_ visad.jar to the root directory
- so I wouldn't have to type a long path name ;-)p]

Anyway, "C:\jdk1.3.1\demo\java3d\HelloUniverse>java HelloUniverse" is still
bringing up the same errors, as does
HelloUniverse".  However it is possible that I will need to reboot....

Finally, I would like to repeat that I am still able to do what I "need" to
do by running 'SpreadSheet'.  My questions here have two motivations:
* to be able to do what I would "like" to do, 
    such as swap the foreground and background colours(for printing)
* because it seems J3D "should" be running, but isn't.

I am quite surprised that the problem is proving so intractable!

Again, thanks for your patience,


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