Redhat 7.1 and VisAD

  • Subject: Redhat 7.1 and VisAD
  • From: Stuart Wier <wier@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 02 Jul 2001 14:41:41 -0600
What versions of Java and Java3D work with Redhat 7.1?

After an upgrade to Redhat 7.1
I am struggling with Blackdown's j2sdk1.3.0 and java3d 1.2.1
and getting weird behavior with the simplest 3d programs,
let alone VisAD.
(Even running the java3d demo "HelloUniverse" gets weird 
results: sometimes it runs properly, sometimes a window appears
and it hangs there; sometimes it hangs on the command line.
All three sorts can be active at once on the same screen.)

Stu Wier


Stuart Wier                              UCAR Unidata Program
wier@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                           P.O. Box 3000      Boulder, CO 80307

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