> 1. We have a fixed geometry which is created using the
> Gridded2DSets and the end point of each line(a
> Gridded2DSet) is represented with the Real Tuples and
> we can drag it using the
> DirectManipulationRendererJ2D. The new lines are
> formed each time when the vertex is moved so, there
> are N number of lines are formed between the vertex
> point and where we release mouse. We want only that
> lines to be drawn when we release the mouse. Please
> suggest us in achieving this.
You'll need to analyze the logic in your CellImpl (or
whatever you are using) that is invoked in response to
data changes via the DirectManipulationRendererJ2D.
You may be calling addReference() for each change -
instead you should have just one DataReference and
invoke its setData() with a different line data object
for each data change.
> 2. When we drag the vertices, the display is changed,
> that is the display looks like shrinking and it
> appears that the image is moving but, the vertices
> values remain same. We want the fixed display. Please
> help us in this matter also.
This indicates that the display is constantly invoking
its auto-scaling logic. This can happen for several
reasons: you may be calling alwaysAutoScale(), you may
be calling reAutoScale() inside a CellImpl invoked for
each data change, you may be calling addReference() in
a CellImpl invoked for each data change (this could also
explain your first problem), or you may have a RealTyped
in your data which is part of a ScalarMap but whose values
are always missing.