Re: weird green glow


Sorry it took so long to reply, I don't have email at my work account right
now. Ok, I took a screen shot of the green glow and put it up on my school
website at

the last link, "Visad Green Glow" will be the picture. The more I look at it,
the more sure I am that the problem is java3d, not visad, but any ideas you
have will be appreciated. thanks,


Hi Vijay,

> this might be a java3d implementation question, but I'll ask anyway. So
> I have a 3d display that depicts various solids or different colors. I
> added an alpha map, and the user can specify a certian cutoff value (say
> 0.6) and have every solid with a value less than 0.6 disappear (the
> alpha is set to zero). When I have a portion of the display's alpha set
> to 0, that part of the display takes on this green glow. It's not
> attached to the display (i.e., when I rotate the display, the greem area
> stays in the same place).
> Is there anything I can do to get rid of this annoying green glow?

Hopefully you don't need a priest. But seriously, I wasn't
able to duplicate the problem using 'java Test20' which allows
me to interactively experiment with alpha values = 0. The fact
that the green area doesn't rotate with the display sounds
very strange. My laptop has a defective area on its screen
and your problem sounds like that. If you can email a GIF
image it might help. Off hand it doesn't sound like a VisAD


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