Re: weird green glow


I modified Test61, and put the screenshot on my website, under Test61 Green Glow. The green showed up again.
I get nothing but a blank cube filled with the green stuff. any ideas? I
haven't been able to run it on a different platform yet. I guess I should try
that next. I also double-checked my code, and I'm sure that it's impossible
for an alpha value to be anything other than 0.0f or 1.0f. If you know what
I'm doing wrong, please let me know. 


Bill Hibbard <hibbard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> said: 

> Hi Vijay,
> > Sorry it took so long to reply, I don't have email at my work account
> > now. Ok, I took a screen shot of the green glow and put it up on my school
> > website at
> > 
> >
> > 
> > the last link, "Visad Green Glow" will be the picture. The more I look at
> > the more sure I am that the problem is java3d, not visad, but any ideas
> > have will be appreciated. thanks,
> This looks like volume rendering applied with a color-alpha
> table that has alpha values slightly larger than 0.0f, and
> green color. I tested this in Test61, by forcing all alpha
> values = 0.0f, and got an invisible volume rather than any
> weird glow. You might look at your code and see whether you
> have a FlatField with a Linear3DSet domain set that will
> display using volume rendering, and if its alpha values are
> slightly larger than 0.0f.
> Cheers,
> Bill
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Bill Hibbard, SSEC, 1225 W. Dayton St., Madison, WI  53706
> hibbard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  608-263-4427  fax: 608-263-6738

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