Re: Shape question

Hi Don,

> I'm starting to look into using Shapes for station plots, etc.
> Doug Lindholm has given me some code snippets that help, but
> I need some help beyond that.  I figured I'd ask for help from
> the group instead of just bothering Doug. ;-)
> Let's say I have a two VisADLineArrays that represents a plus 
> sign (+) and a minus sign (-). I create a VisADGeometryArray[]
> array of {plus, minus}. I get a slug of lightning 
> observations in a FieldImpl with type (index -> (lat, lon, signal)).
> I modify this to be a new field (index -> (lat, lon, shape)).  The
> values for shape will depend on whether signal is positive or 
> negative and be set to 0 or 1 as the index into the
> VisADGeometryArray[]. I set up the ScalarMap(shape, Display.Shape), 
> set the ShapeSet as an Integer1DSet from 0,1, and set the Shape
> in the shapeControl to be the array of two items.  This all works
> fine.


> What I'd like to do next is to color code the shapes based on
> the strength of the signal, or maybe on some other basis (ex: grey
> out older lightning flashes).  Should I create a VisADGeometryArray[]
> that has the same length as my FieldImpl and have each element be
> a clone of the plus or minus, with the appropriate color set in
> each one?  What are the overhead (memory usage) issues related
> to this?

You can just ScalarMap signal or some other RealType to RGB,
set up an appropriate color table in your ColorControl, and
your shapes should be colored the way you want.


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