Level II Radar

Greetings to the group,

Has anyone been able to use VisAD to create a 3D rendering of a storm
using a WSR-88D level II radar volume scan?

i plan on installing VisAD on our departmental SGI and/or my on RH 7.1
Linux box for this specific purpose and as of yet have not found any
examples of the above exercise.  i'm hoping to create a 3D rendering of
a volume scan using constant reflectivity and/or velocity surfaces for
use in my thesis.

i would greatly appreciate any input!  Thank you,


|Kevin L. Manross                  (KD5MYD)                       Texas Tech 
Univ.  |
|Graduate Teaching Asst.                                              Dept. of  
|http://www.atmo.ttu.edu/kevin                                  Atmospheric 
|         "In this house we obey the laws of THERMODYNAMICS!"   -H.Simpson      

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