RangeControl bug?


I thought I might have asked this before but I couldn't find it in the
archive. (This is different from #1056 with the same subject.)

I have satellite data with more than enough coverage to fill my box. I'm
using RangeControl.setRange() with the same values I'm using for the
axis ranges, but the image does not fill the box. It's not even close -
several rows and columns of data are not displayed.

I'm using a 3D Display with the 2D Renderer. The problem arises on both
Linux and NT.

Has anyone else seen this? Any ideas?

Let me know if you want more details or a snap-shot.


| Doug Lindholm, Software Engineer          |  E-mail: lind@xxxxxxxx   |
| Research Applications Program             |   Phone: 303-497-8374    |
| National Center for Atmospheric Research  |                          |
| P.O. Box 3000                             |     There's no place     |
| Boulder, Colorado 80307-3000              |        like $HOME        |

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