3D to 2D Gridded Set

I have a FlatField with a Gridded3DSet of manifold dimension 2:
Gridded3DSet (domain, double[3][N] coordarray, horizonatlDimension,
verticalDimension) .

Think of this as a 2D cross section plane cutting a 3D volume of data;
the coordarray positions are each x, y, z.

To plot this in a simple 2D plot how do you convert this to a 
FlatField with a Gridded2DSet?  The new position coordinates are
x', z only, where x' is a new distance value along the cross section plane.



Stuart Wier                              UCAR Unidata Program
wier@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                           P.O. Box 3000
http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/staff/wier      Boulder, CO 80307

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