
Please forgive the rather simple question I'm about to ask, but I am new
to VisAD, and unfortunately, new to Java as well.  I have been trying to
get some code I found called PlotSSTflat.java (from
http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/staff/wier/VisAD_demos.html) to work with my
SST file, but I haven't figured out how to get at my data.  The error
message I get is:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: visad.Tuple
        at PlotSSTflat.<init>(PlotSSTflat.java:74)
        at PlotSSTflat.main(PlotSSTflat.java:190)

The structure of my netcdf file is as follows:

netcdf Geo_Corrected_SST_EDR {
        EDR_columns = 1589 ;
        EDR_rows = 2400 ;
        time_vals = 6 ;

        float lat(EDR_rows, EDR_columns) ;
                lat:long_name = "latitude" ;
                lat:units = "degrees latitude" ;
                lat:min_val = 22.491199f ;
                lat:max_val = 41.2453f ;
                lat:fill_val = -999.90002f ;
                lat:valid_range = -90.f, 90.f ;
        float lon(EDR_rows, EDR_columns) ;
                lon:long_name = "longitude" ;
                lon:units = "degrees longitude" ;
                lon:min_val = -130.5918f ;
                lon:max_val = -110.9496f ;
                lon:fill_val = -999.90002f ;
                lon:valid_range = -180.f, 180.f ;
        float seaSurfaceTemperatures(EDR_rows, EDR_columns) ;
                seaSurfaceTemperatures:long_name = "retrieved sea surface
temperatures" ;
                seaSurfaceTemperatures:units = "kelvin" ;
                seaSurfaceTemperatures:min_val = 280.81558f ;
                seaSurfaceTemperatures:max_val = 999.f ;
                seaSurfaceTemperatures:fill_val = -999.90002f ;
                seaSurfaceTemperatures:valid_range = 270.f, 340.f ;
        long reftime(time_vals) ;
                reftime:long_name = "Reference Time" ;
                reftime:fill_val = -9999 ;
                reftime:description = "Time of the EDR report in 1st row and 1 
                reftime:units_time_val1 = "Year" ;
                reftime:units_time_val2 = "Day of the year" ;
                reftime:units_time_val3 = "Hour" ;
                reftime:units_time_val4 = "Minute" ;
                reftime:units_time_val5 = "Second" ;
                reftime:units_time_val6 = "Millisecond" ;
                reftime:min_val_time_val1 = 0 ;
                reftime:min_val_time_val2 = 1 ;
                reftime:min_val_time_val3 = 0 ;
                reftime:min_val_time_val4 = 0 ;
                reftime:min_val_time_val5 = 0 ;
                reftime:min_val_time_val6 = 0 ;
                reftime:max_val_time_val1 = 9999 ;
                reftime:max_val_time_val2 = 366 ;
                reftime:max_val_time_val3 = 23 ;
                reftime:max_val_time_val4 = 59 ;
                reftime:max_val_time_val5 = 59 ;
                reftime:max_val_time_val6 = 999 ;

// global attributes:
                :history = "Center for Remote Environmental Sensing Technology:
                :userid = "bennett" ;
                :file_creation_date = "20010507140611.073" ;

Would someone please help me define the longitue, latitude and
temperature for my data?   I hope to have a better understanding of
tuples from this.

Thank you in advance,

Arlene Kishi
AER, Inc.

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