2 displays for one cross section (different GriddedSets)

Say I've got a 3D display and in it show a slice or cross-section
(by making a new FlatField from 3D data by making a Gridded3Dset
describing the plane of the slice in 3D space and resampling the full FlatField
of 3D data to a new FlatField "sliceFF" using the Gridded3DSet).

Now further the cross section data in "sliceFF" is also shown in a separate
2D display, a DisplayImplJ2D. This involves making a new FlatField
say "slice2D" with a new Gridded2DSet, and some RealTypes
and ScalarMaps based on that, and a new FunctionType, DataReference etc.

Now by some user interface method the original slice in 3D is
repositioned.  sliceFF is recomputed

How do I send word to the 2D display to go get the
modified "sliceFF" when it is changed, make its display again?  Or is there some
even more subtle way to move the new data into the second display,
such as sharing a data reference in either the Java or VisAD sense?



Stuart Wier                              UCAR Unidata Program
wier@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                           P.O. Box 3000
http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/staff/wier      Boulder, CO 80307

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