Hi Igor,
> how could I change the nuber of points to be ploted on a display at
> run-time? For instance, if I have defined 10 points to be plotted while
> writing the program, how could I increase the numer to, say, 100 at run-time.
> Suppose that while writing the program I do not know how many points the user
> will need to plot.
> In other words, I need the size of the domain to be dynamic. How can that be
> done in VisAD?
Easy - everything is dynamic at run-time in VisAD. At run time
you'll link a DataReference to a DisplayImpl via a addReference()
call. Then simply construct a FlatField with whatever size domain
Set you like and pass it to the setData() method of the
Every VisAD example builds and sets data sizes at run-time.
Cheers, Bill