Hi, I'm trying to do something fairly similar to "Simple.java" in the Developers Guide. Simple.java uses an Integer1DSet as the domain, and "field.evaluate" works fine. However, I want to represent time as a Gridded1DDoubleSet in the domain. When I do this (see attached code) I get the exception below. So should I be able to do this, or do I need to go about it a different way? And a supplementary question... has anyone done a VisADSlider or similar specifically to deal with time (ie format it nicely). It probably wouldn't be much extra code, but if you've got one please let me know. Thanks in advance, James [my normal mail server is down, please reply to yahoo account] C:\Program Files\aifs\data>java SimpleTime Time = (1970-01-01 00:00:01Z) Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException at visad.Gridded1DDoubleSet.valueToInterp(Gridded1DDoubleSet.java:263) at visad.FlatField.resample(FlatField.java:3450) at visad.FunctionImpl.evaluate(FunctionImpl.java:169) at visad.FunctionImpl.evaluate(FunctionImpl.java:146) at SimpleTime.<init>(SimpleTime.java:46) at SimpleTime.main(SimpleTime.java:50) http://travel.yahoo.com.au - Yahoo! Travel - Got Itchy feet? Get inspired!
Description: SimpleTime.java