Best performance using UnionSets

Hi VisAD Community:

I have already asked something like this before, but this time I will
try to give more information about my problem:

I'm tring to plot a contour map inside a 2Ddisplay from a text file
(more specific a .MIF file from the MapInfo software). My class is
reading the polylines that are in the file and then creating
Gridded2DSets for each one, then puting then on a Gridded2DSet array and
then into a UnionSet.

Just like the example.

Bill told me I should check how many GriddedSets I was creating but the
number is about 400 and there are about 25000 points. I don't think this
is so much.

When I change from Gridded to Irregular2DSet, the application becomes
very faster, but the Irregular2DSet can only plot points.

I'm using a IBM-PC 300Mhz and Ram:128Mb running Windows 98.

Please, somebody must have used maps on VisAD, and this can't be the way
it is. I'm doing something wrong.

Maybe I should use a FlatField but I dont know how.

An aswer is very important in the moment. It can determine if I can use
VisAD or not.

Thanks Already

Cicero Augusto Wollmann Zandoná

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