texture mapping on to VisADGeometryArray Shape

I have mapped colors onto the a VisADGeometryArray shape using the basic
method of for example: <br><br>
shape.colors[0] = 20;<br>
shape.colors[1] = 20;<br>
shape.colors[2] = 20; and so on...<br><br>
I would like to map patterns that are more complex (for example showing
intensities based upon RGB colors) and contours onto the surface of the
shape. I understand for example that if I have created a surface using
some function like <br><br>
( (latitude, longitude) -&gt; (altitude, temperature) ),<br><br>
I can map the surface using say <br><br>
tempRGBMap = new ScalarMap( temperature, Display.RGB );<br><br>
and then add maps to display. But the way how my shape was created was
not through those MathTypes so I can't really use those functions. I
chose to generate my shape as VisADGeometryArray because I am able to
rotate the shape without recalculating all the coordinates through some
function(s). The only way that I can think of mapping say RGB onto the
shape using shape.colors[i] is to code some pretty complicated functions
that would give me similar results to Display.RGB. But I think that's not
the easiest way. <br><br>
Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can achieve this or would I
have to change the way how I generate my shape in order to have those
mapping capabilities? Thanks for your help.<br><br>
<font face="Arial Narrow, Helvetica">john<br><br>

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