Re: New to VisaAD

The application I am currently developing is a Java Applet and I use the
VisAD API.  I do simple 2D graphing of environmental model data and it works

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dave Glowacki" <dglo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <mikael.ogren@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, October 05, 2001 2:40 PM
Subject: Re: New to VisaAD

> mikael.ogren@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> > Hello!
> >
> > We have a project that might be using VisAd for visualization and I have
> > few questions concerning multiple platform support.
> >
> > How does VisAd work (if it works) on:
> >
> > - Solaris
> > - Linux
> > - IRIX
> > - True64
> Much of the development of VisAD is done on Solaris, so
> it works best there.  There doesn't appear to be a Java3D
> implementation available for Tru64, so only the 2D portion
> of VisAD would be functional.  The other platforms will
> work, but because VisAD is a great testbed for uncovering
> Java3D bugs, there may be problems.
> > I read that to be able to run VisAd as an applet the minimum demand is
> > Netscape 6 but that one might have to add the Java Plug-In. Do you need
> > or not? And how about Internet Explorer (version, addons...)?
> I don't know anything about running VisAD as an applet,
> so I'll defer to others on this.

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