> 1. We have all the gridded sets collecting in Union
> Sets. and we are adding this to one reference only. If
> we want to have different colors for different gridded
> sets, do we have to have separate reference objects?
> please clarify this.
You can do it with only one DataReference, if you
use your UnionSet as the domain Set of a FlatField.
For example, if your UnionSet has MathType:
Set(x, y)
Then use it as the domain Set of a FlatField:
((x, y) -> (r, g, b))
and set values in r, g and b to color each point. Use the
same color for the points in the same Gridded2DSet, and
different colors for different Gridded2DSets.
> 2. We want to add the pop up menu when working with
> DisplayImlJ2D. WE are able to see the pop up menu, but
> it occupied full panel and we cannot see anyhting
> other than this pop up menu. We tried even setSize()
> method also and it is the same always. Please help me
> with this.
This sounds like the usual Swing layout troubles. I usually
use nested BoxLayouts, as in visad/benjamin/Galaxy.java.
But lots of folks on this list know more than me about Swing.
Good luck,
Bill Hibbard, SSEC, 1225 W. Dayton St., Madison, WI 53706
hibbard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 608-263-4427 fax: 608-263-6738