
I am new to VISAD and the JPYTON interface to it.

I have obtained a pyton script to plot wind vectors.  It even works
getting data from an adde server.

Now I want to make some modifications.

In particular I wanted to read an additional parameter from the adde

original code:
at lon dir spd pw&select='LAT 40 60;LON 90
print request

data = PointDataAdapter(request).getData()

I wanted to add something to get the time of the wind vectors:

at lon dir spd pw itim&select='LAT 40 60;LON 90
print request

data = PointDataAdapter(request).getData()

here is the result
t lon di
r spd pw itim&select='LAT 40 60;LON 90 110'&num=all&pos=6
Unknown unit: HMS for ITIM
Traceback (innermost last):
  File "<console>", line 1, in ?
  File "goesemidwest.py", line 18, in ?
AttributeError: instance of 'visad.FieldImpl' has no attribute

This looks like data was send back from the server with HMS information,
but VISAD was not able to understand it.

my guess is that I need to define a new dataType(HMS)

More fundamentally, I need to know how to find out the documentation for
PointDataAdapter and dataType definitions.
The VISAD tutorials give some nice examples, but they do not seem to
point to full documentation of VISAD and
the JPYTON script interface.

Thanks for any information.

G. Garrett Campbell Ph. D.
Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere
Colorado State University
Ft. Collins, CO, USA
970 491 8497

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