Hi all,
I am trying to visualize a very big (+- 50 MB) array with values. I do
not want to copy this values into the FlatField of the graph because I
have a lot (>10) of graphs based on the same data.
Now I want to set the samples without copying and an additional
parameter with the filter information
(e.g. 1st graph: X values between [0.0;0.5], Y values between [1.0;1.5],
Z values between [1.0;1.5]
2nd graph X values between [0.5;1.0], Y values between
[1.0;1.3], Z values between [1.0;1.5]).
I also want to filter on some other columns that are not displayed. Can
someone help me with this problem?
Thanks in advance,
Geert Van Nuland.