At 12:46 PM +0530 6/11/01, JASON RODRIGUES wrote:
How to render real time medical images like real time CT, MR,
Ultra Sound Images with the help of Java 3d, given a volume of 2d
images?Has Java3d got any classes that render with much ease as VTK
WHich among the above is better for 3d rendering? Java3d or VTK?
JAVA3D is not yet available under MacOS X
TTFN Dirk =:>
| Dirk Slawinski | The Centre for Water Research |
| Research Associate | University of Western Australia |
| | CRICOS Provider No 00126G |
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| PHONE: +61 8 9380 2410 ,-_|\ |
| FAX: +61 8 9380 1015 (Perth) / \ ]] |
| EMAIL: slawinski@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx *_,-._/ d") |
| WEB: v _(@)_ |