Re: Plotting Particles in 3D space

My suggestion is to read thru Ugo's tutorial, and perhaps the Data Model tutorial as well. Both of these are available from the VisAD homepage under "Documentation", and give excellent examples.

You might also consider Python if you're not compelled to learn Java - it will allow you to get started more quickly (there is also a tutorial on that!).

The direct link is:

Best wishes,


David Nguyen wrote:

Hello everyone,

I am brand new to VisAD (as well as to Java) but have had prior programming
experience in C++. I am currently working in a group that would like to plot
particles in a 3D space as well as take slices on different planes (which I
see some explanation of right in this very list). I was wondering if anyone
could point me towards good examples of this.

My first goal is create a program that can accept a list of x,y,z
coordinates and some sort of value, like temperature mapped to RGB, in
perhaps 4 1-dimensional arrays.

Any help would be appreciated in getting me started. I am currently going
over the excellent tutorial provided by Ugo Taddei, but would appreciate
more examples or any additional information.

Thanks in advance!

David Nguyen
Computer Engineering
Northwestern University

Tom Whittaker (tomw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx)
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Space Science and Engineering Center
Phone/VoiceMail: 608/262-2759
Fax: 608/262-5974

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