Re: your mail

On Tue, 20 Nov 2001, gaoming fu wrote:
> In method "public Field resample(Set set, int sampling_mode, int
> error_mode)" of, the line 3450 is: ((SimpleSet)
> DomainSet).valueToInterp(vals, indices, coefs);
> But in, valueToInterp is an abstract method. Where can I
> find the actual code of this method? I want to know how VisAD actually
> does the interpolation using NEAREST_NEIGHBOR and WEIGHTED_AVERAGE, and
> how to calculate the values of weighted average and nearest neighbor for
> the data.

There are several different implementations of valueToInterp()
in various subclasses of SimpleSet, depending on their different
topologies and numerical precisions. On Unix you can do

  grep valueToInterp *

to try to find them all. They are all complex and hard to read.
All current implementations produce n-linear  interpolations
(i.e., linear, bilinear, trilinear, etc) for WEIGHTED_AVERAGE.
NEAREST_NEIGHBOR is just what it says it is.

Good luck, Bill

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