Irregular2DSet and contour lines

<html><div style='background-color:'><DIV>Hello, All</DIV>
<DIV>I need help for the following&nbsp;questions:</DIV>
<DIV>1. I used Irregular2DSet to draw the following data.&nbsp; 
<BR>&nbsp;<BR>4.0f 3.2f 9.0f<BR>5.4f 4.0f 9.0f<BR>4.0f 5.3f 9.0f<BR>3.2f 4.0f 
9.0f<BR>4.0f 2.0f 8.0f<BR>6.0f 3.0f 8.0f<BR>6.0f 4.0f 8.0f<BR>5.0f 5.0f 
8.0f<BR>4.0f 6.0f 8.0f<BR>3.0f 6.0f 8.0f<BR>2.0f 5.0f 8.0f<BR>2.0f 4.0f 
8.0f<BR>2.0f 4.0f 4.0f<BR>4.0f 2.0f 4.0f<BR>6.0f 3.0f 4.0f<BR>6.0f 4.0f 
4.0f<BR>5.0f 5.0f 4.0f<BR>4.0f 6.0f 4.0f<BR>3.0f 6.0f 4.0f<BR>2.0f 5.0f 
4.0f<BR>&nbsp;<BR>I can not see any points with z values of 4.0, i.e., there is 
no surface drawn between <BR>points with z value of 4.0 and points with z 
values of 8.0 and 9.0. But all the points can<BR>be seen in the point mode. 
Please note that points with z values of 4.0 have the same<BR>x and y values as 
points with z values of 8.0.&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV>&nbsp;<BR>2. I want to draw 3D surface together with contour lines and the 
contour line should be<BR>labeled with elevation.&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>3. Can I 
add my own TransformGroup (i.e., built from java3d,without<BR>using any VisAD) 
to DisplayImplJ3D in a class built using VisAD, and then draw it together with 
any other data processed using VisAD, in the same Coordinate system? 
<BR>&nbsp;<BR>Thanks a lot. <BR>&nbsp;<BR>Gaoming Fu<BR></DIV></div><br 
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