Re: GraphicsModeControl

Hi Doug,

> Excuse my graphics naivete. It seems to me that many properties of
> GraphicsModeControl (e.g. TextureEnable, PointMode) logically apply to
> the DataRenderer, not the Display. Is there a reason why these can only
> be applied universally to all Data representations in the Display (or is
> there a loophole I'm missing)? e.g. Why can't I add terrain data with
> TextureEnable(false) and satellite data with TextureEnable(true)?

You are right that some of these control variables could be
on a per DataRenderer basis. This has been done for PointSize
and LineWidth, which are DisplayRealTypes that can be used in
ConstantMaps passed with a DataRenderer to
DisplayImpl.addReferences(). This could be done for other
controls, but hasn't.

You might be able to hack others by writing a custom
DataRenderer (for example, one that would never use texture
mapping). I am working on a tutorial about DataRenderers
and perhaps I can address this issue in that tutorial.

Bill Hibbard, SSEC, 1225 W. Dayton St., Madison, WI  53706
hibbard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  608-263-4427  fax: 608-263-6738

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