jim schmidt wrote:
> what is the trick for compiling the VisAd examples?
> we get errors such as:
> 1) can not instantiate an abstract class Test67 (class UISkeleton)
> 2) call "void collabSourceLost" is not defined
> we'd like to compile the examples and use WebStart to
> download them, but can't quite figure out the appropriate
> "superstructure" . any suggetions?
You can download visad.jar and visad_examples.jar from
ftp://www.ssec.wisc.edu/pub/visad to a directory (i.e. /tmp),
and unjar visad_examples.jar (jar xvf visad_examples.jar).
This will create a directory visad/examples under the
download directory. cd to that directory and type:
rm *.class (since the class files are already there)
javac -classpath ../../visad.jar *.java
To run any of the examples, you must be in that directory
(since there is no Java package for the examples) and
java -classpath ../../visad.jar:. DisplayTest xx
where xx is the test number. Alternatively, you could run:
java -classpath ../../visad.jar:. Testxx
Not having a package name for the examples might make it
problematic to run through WebStart as I mentioned in my
message yesterday.
Don Murray UCAR Unidata Program
dmurray@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx P.O. Box 3000
(303) 497-8628 Boulder, CO 80307