Hi Mathias,
> In Ugo?s Tutorial one can see how to make slices of data. That?s working
> fine if I would only like to make slices that are parallel to an
> arbitrary axis. But what about warped slices? I implemented that by
> reading out the samples of my data-object and find the nearest
> neighbors. Then I set all other samples to null just to make them
> invisible. That works fine but is slow and complicated. I wonder if
> there is a way to use the resample() method of FlatField to implement
> warped slices? Are there any approaches?
Yes. You can define a Gridded3DSet with manifold dimension
= 2 that defines a warped slice or even a curved surface,
and pass it to the resample() method of your FlatField.
The main problem is to calculate the 3-D vertices of a 2-D
grid that lies on your warped slice. A geometry problem.
Good luck,
Bill Hibbard, SSEC, 1225 W. Dayton St., Madison, WI 53706
hibbard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 608-263-4427 fax: 608-263-6738