At Wednesday, 06 February 2002, you wrote:
>However, the real answer to your problem is to form your
>lines as Gridded2DSets (if you want lines in 2-D) or
>Grided3DSets (if you want lines in 3-D), in either case
>with manifold dimension = 1. You can combine multiple
>lines in a UnionSet. To get color, use your Set as the
>domain Set of a FlatField with MathType (e.g., in the
>3-D case):
> ((x, y, z) -> (r, g, b))
>In your Display, map x -> XAxis, ..., r -> Red, ...
>In your FlatField, set color values into r, g & b via
Could you apply this to the Rivers example? Then I think I would
understand it. already uses a Unionset, so if you could
take it from there and make one tributary red and another one blue.